
Marine & Coastal Pollution

November 7th, 2020

Roughly 80% of marine and coastal pollution originates on land – including agricultural run-off, pesticides, plastics and untreated sewage (reference).  However, throughout the world, inland waterways and coastal regions are largely unmonitored and under-characterised.  The dynamic nature and complexity of inland and coastal environments provide a challenge for satellite remote-sensing, while airborne missions are generally expensive and limited in terms of geography and duration. 

The health of our hydrosphere is a significant environmental, societal, and economic priority which must be confronted.  The unique large area long-term observational capability of a HAP (High Altitude Platform) has the potential to be game-changing in understanding stressors for water quality, now and in the future.

Delwyn Moller, Ph.D.
Moller-Pollard Consulting


Sea Pollution